

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Blessed Facts: • 1/2 the world lives on less than $2/day • 80% of the world has no roof, electricity or running water. • Everything is God's and you are a steward.


• As an American, I am blessed beyond my comprehension. While most people on earth are concerned about their next meal or fresh water, I am not. And chances are you're not either.

Too often we focus on what we don't have rather than what we do have. We allow our desires for the next high-tech device or trendy outfit overrule our ability to be thankful and content. Hey, I'm all for reaching forward and dreaming big, as long as we don't forget to thank God for what He's already done.

This is a big reason why I'm doing this 30 Days of Thanksgiving. To get you and I back to thanking God daily for His provision and blessings, many of which we can't even see. And also to consider ways to be a blessing to others, which is what leave your beauty mark is all about!

So, what are you thankful for today? Have you been on a missions trip or lived in another country where you've seen extreme poverty as I mentioned earlier? Are you thankful for the basic blessings of life that we so often neglect to even acknowledge? Please share your thoughts!

Emonne Markland | Leave Your Beauty Mark