Every girl can have chains. 
A toxic relationship. Low self-esteem. Rejection. Addiction. Past mistakes and secret struggles can weigh you down and hold you back from living a life of wholeness. If you’re tired of living tied down to lies and bad habits, this book is for you. The chains from your past do not have to hold you back from your future.
Every girl can be free.
 In Break Every Chain, Emonne Markland takes you through a life-changing journey of freedom and self discovery. In the book, you will:
•    discover the two main plans for your life
•    identify your chains and find out the breaking news of freedom
•    receive encouragement from stories of women set free, including Emonne’s personal story
•    understand your true identity
•    learn how to break the chains & live free in everyday life
•    receive practical freedom tools and discussion questions within the Unchained workbook component

Now is your time to break free from your past and push forward into your destiny. Get ready for a chain reaction.


Break Every Chain is now available worldwide. 


Girls Without Chains - YouTube Book Club Sessions