Have you ever had that moment when you're sitting in church and something your pastor says reverberates through your entire being?
This was TOTALLY me on Sunday, January 10th.
My husband was serving in a particular area in church, and our family was committed to arrive very early for service. (Kinda like crack-of-dawn, one-eye-open early.) And while my sleepy eyes fought to open in the morning and get the family ready, I arrived with a greater expectancy for God to speak to my heart. After getting Grace tucked away in children's church, I found my way to the closest row available to the front and enjoyed chatting with the older mothers of the house, who are always there early too.
Well this particular Sunday, as I sat on the edge of my pew while the word was preached, my pastor shared this well-known yet profound scripture:
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
He began to share how even when we are old and gray, Jesus will be right there. And in that moment, as I imagined myself as an old woman with gray hair and a dainty frame, it brought me to tears.
Right now, I'm in my early thirties and learning the ins and outs of this thing called "working mom." I easily doubt myself and often fight the temptation to put my joy on hold for a season to come instead of enjoying the now.
Yet in the midst of every changing season, I have a promise from scripture that reminds me of a Savior Who will never change...
Just imagine with me this: Decades have passed and you've grown old and gray. Walking slowly from your kitchen to your bedroom, one hand on the wall beside you and a body aged by the joys and perils of life. The house is quiet, and each step you take exerts more effort than it did in your youth. You make your way to your bedroom and stand at your window, peering outside at the moonlit sky. A smile appears as your consider one thing: He's been faithful. Even after your children have grown up and now have their own families, and your spouse has gone home, you find peace in the stillness of solitude as you remember that you're not alone. The same Jesus who rescued you in your youth and filled you with firey passion for the Gospel is with you. The same Jesus who was your matchmaker and home builder has never left your side. The same Jesus who comforted you when no one else could see your pain is right there. Yesterday. Today. And Forever.
I know this may seem like a strange thing to think about, but it's worth considering when we look at this scripture in and out of time: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. It reminds me of that heavenly song in Revelation, where the angels at the throne of God sing, "...Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come." (Revelation 4:8)
When the noise fades away and we have outlived those who ran beside and before us, there will be a Friend who sticks closer than a brother...
It's amazing how one scripture you've heard time and time again can come alive in a particular season in your life. And for me, it has been this very one: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Emonne Markland
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