Walking in the Dark

Have you ever been in a dark place?

A place where you can't see your way around or understand the purpose of your journey? The darkness isn't evil, yet it prohibits your sight and makes it difficult to move forward. What I've come to realize is that life will hand you seasons and situations that cause you to walk in the dark and question everything you've seen in the light...

Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

So if faith is the evidence of things not seen, then walking by faith requires us to walk in the dark. To move in the unfamiliar. To rely on hope before seeing the fruit thereof. As you and I journey along the mysterious road of faith, I believe a lot of us are giving our feelings too much credit in this season. We've given our sight too much power. We get discouraged in the dark and lose courage when we can't see what we're hoping for. We allow anxiety and fear to grip us and hold us captive, preventing the progress we desire to take place.

If I can be honest with you, I have felt all of this. Walking by faith in unseen territory, and battling confusion, fear and discouragement along the way. And although my goals are clear and my desire is there, I've experienced unusual opposition in my mind that has made it a fight to move forward. Stretching a work. Growing as a wife and mother. Searching for answers to this season, and coming up short. But in the midst of it all, I trust that there is something being built on the inside of me that is greater than my feelings.

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. (2 Corinthians 4:17 ESV)


As you're reading this post, you may find yourself walking in the dark. Taking steps of faith, and fighting against discouragement and fear along the way. Wondering why God is so silent, and searching for purpose in the unknown. I believe that God is more concerned with our capacity than our comfort, and is training us so we can grow. I want to encourage you with a revelation He spoke to my heart:

You can't see because you're blindfolded.

Now, let's reason through this word together. If God is our loving Father, why would He turn us around and tie a blindfold over our eyes? Then, take us by the hand and silently lead us into an unfamiliar place? We ask, "Where are we going?" and He remains silent. We take steps in the dark, clinging to His trusted hand. Why? Because He is about to reveal a big surprise. And because we didn't see our way there, we can't boast. We can't get the glory. He does. We just have the opportunity to enjoy the surprise, and tell everyone who asks, "I don't know how I got here, but I thank God for leading me!"

Walking in the dark is about trusting God's hand when you can't hear His voice.

This word and illustration has been a source of comfort and peace for me, and I pray that it is for you too. As we take these steps of faith, may we trust that there's a surprise coming that will be worth the silence. Worth the tears. Worth the fighting. And worth the faith. 


Keep walking.

Emonne Markland