My Grandmother’s Childhood Christmas Story

One Christmas Eve, my grandmother and her brother were determined to find the hiding place for their Christmas gifts. They searched high and low, in the smokehouse and all throughout the family farm to try to find their presents. Despite all of their searching, they couldn’t find a single present. Their excitement turned to disappointment. They figured that there would be no Christmas gifts this year, and went to bed that night discouraged, dreading waking up the next morning.

The next day, on Christmas morning, their parents came and woke them up, and called them into the family room. They reluctantly arose with little expectation of anything special. To their utter surprise, it was the biggest Christmas they ever had. There were toys for everyone! The stockings that once appeared limp and empty were filled with apples, oranges and nuts. There was more than they even hoped for.

This morning, when my grandmother shared her childhood Christmas memory with me, I imagined her & her brother searching for the toys, disappointed faces lying in bed on Christmas Eve, and their bright eyes of wonder on Christmas morning.

Her memory encouraged me in my current season, and I believe it will do the same for you.

I was reminded of the song lyrics from Waymaker:

“Even when I don’t see it, You’re working. Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working.”

Just like my grandmother’s parents were working on a surprise for their children even when the evidence appeared bleak, God is working on blessings in the background. We can’t always see it, but we have to trust & believe the Father’s heart. The Bible says, “It’s the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” (Proverbs 25:2) God specializes in hiding great gifts in unlikely places.

So if you’re believing for something you haven’t yet seen, and feel disappointment in your seemingly empty search, trust that God is still at work. Begin to expect again. Hope again. Have faith for what you cannot yet see.

There are hidden, stored up blessings that will be revealed in due time.

Emonne Markland

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